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Се надевам дека ке најдете доста интересни информации како за вас лично, така и за ваше убедливо маневрирање во вашето секојдневие.
Секое добро и не штедете се себеси.
Со почит

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Hope is just a beginning

Well now....
All the pretty pictures that I have are with you,
some are happy, most of them are sad...
Just looking at them...

Hope is just a beginning,
for you to be happy,
like you weren't with me, 
for the times that we stood together...

At my heart, listening your soul,
one breath to each other,
we made eternity....

I'm not naive, nor a fool...
Hope is just a beginning
for the promise that we clashed upon,
'cose we will last forever.

Sorry, but this is my dream....

And I am sure, it worth it...
I am complete....

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