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Со почит

Thursday, March 24, 2016

I remember

I remember watching the future,
how it circles around the will of today.
And in that sight I recognized
the promised past that we used to live by.
Somewhere in between the gaps of this resourceful clearance
I started dreaming about the present...
And I found myself flying like a wind,
empty, but yet strong.

Here is my breath.
Look at shadow in the light!
Still pounding to get a clearer view
at the time of doubtfulness.

Sore is my view,
like a reflection in the mirror
the one that we all want to see
but somewhere on our way we lost it
without end.

At the other side of the light in our eyes.
The one place where we all want to go.
In the eyes of others,
through the hearts and souls along the way.

I am like a rock,
which shattered upon a lots of sea waves.
Streams flowed along my mind and body,
depriving the memory of kindness endured.

So I just wait...
For the future to happen
as I remember it from the past.

Nothing changes...
Time, people, thoughts...
Only the sun chases the wind
every time differently from the last.

Will we sometimes learn?

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